Schedule a donation pickup in Orange County, CA
Throughout Southern California, the Vietnam Veterans of America has been dedicated to driving support for all of our nation’s veterans. Each VVA chapter works together in order to continue their veteran programs, events, and fundraisers throughout Southern California. Pickup Please accepts donations on behalf of the VVA.
Chapter 785 of Orange County joined other So Cal Chapters to financially support the Compton Homeless Veteran Stand Down. This is one of the largest Stand Down events in the nation that provides clothing, food, services, and referrals to homeless veterans. This Orange County VVA chapter works with the community as well as other charities to bring awareness to important veteran issues. One of the largest programs this chapter is committed to is the annual “Snowball Express”. Working with the volunteer charity Snowball Express, Chapter 785 joins in the mission to provide happy memories and camaraderie for children and spouses of servicemen and women who have lost their lives in battle. In the beginning of this program in 2006, over 900 family members from across the United States were sent on an all expense paid trip to Disneyland in an effort to temporarily escape from the pain of losing a parent or spouse to war. Now, over 1,100 family members are given this amazing opportunity each year. This Orange County VVA Chapter does all they can to continue this program that brings smiles and laughter to children who are otherwise overwhelmed by grief of their lost mother or father. To find a local chapter near you, visit the VVA website at
The VVA of Orange County inspires their community to honor and respect all of our nation’s veterans. By scheduling a free donation pick up with Pickup Please today, you can help support the VVA's mission in Orange County.