Fall and Halloween craft fun for you and your family.
Halloween Candy Jar Enjoy your candy and decorate with it too. What You’ll Need: 6 inch terra cotta pot Terra cotta saucer Wooden knob Paint Ribbon Stickers, vinyl, etc. for decorating Clear up space for your DIY projects by scheduling a free donation pickup of the unwanted items around your home — and remember, you’ll…
Read MoreHoliday Tree D-I-Ys: Decorate it yourself!
Wooden Christmas Tree Do you have old handles and knobs gathering dust or an old dresser gathering dust? This fun DIY can upcyle and brighten your holiday today. Materials Needed: A piece of wood for the tree trunk, about 4 inches by 4 feet. Antibes green chalk paint Spray paint in various colours – or…
Read MoreDecorations done right by you!
Make Your Own No-Fuss Tassel Garland! Spice up your parties with these fun tassels! What You’ll Need: Tissue paper Scissors Glue gun Cord (or ribbon or twine to string tassels on to) How To: Fold tissue paper lengthwise Fold widthwise Fold again lengthwise Cut paper (Not on the folded side) Unfold Cut down the middle…
Read MoreClutter, hidden in plain sight!
How to Declutter the Messes You Overlook Every Day Piles of old sweaters stuffing a closet or outgrown toys strewn across a bedroom can’t be missed. It’s the clutter that you look at every day — often without even realising it’s there — that we’re here today to discuss. Kitchen Countertops Clutter can’t get more…
Read MoreA Host’s Guide to Decluttering
Got Guests Ahead? We’ll Show You How To Get Your Home Organized and Decluttered Before They Arrive! Inviting someone into your home to stay for a few minutes or a few months can be a joyous thing, but also nerve-wracking — especially if your house has been overcome by clutter in recent months. No worries,…
Read More6 Reasons Why Decluttering Improves Your Life
When you hear that buzz word “declutter” do you immediately think about all the time it would take and the aggravation it would cause to get rid of all the stuff that’s cluttering your house? Is your next instinct to close the closet doors and run for the hills? We get it, these reactions are…
Read MoreThe Best Decluttering Advice You’ll Find All Week!
You want decluttering advice? Great, here we go: Ready, Set, GoSmart decluttering starts with a quiet moment and a list. Experts agree that decluttering becomes overwhelming when we think it all has to be done immediately and completely. Nothing could be further from the truth. Decluttering is an ongoing process, best done by making a…
Read MoreDecluttering Don’ts and Don’ts
How NOT to Go About Decluttering Your Home The Internet is full of great advice about how to declutter your home (in fact, you’ll find plenty right here on this very website), but sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s actually good advice and what’s complete baloney. No worries there, as ahead we’re going to make…
Read MoreKitchen Season: An Easy Guide to Making Your Kitchen the Heart of Your Home
The kitchen really is the heart and soul of your home. It is where memories, and amazing pies, are made. We have some great ideas for you to make your kitchen declutter fast, easy and free. Get ready to clear away the summer plasticware and bring in your seasonal touches! Top-Down Adventure Your kitchen may…
Read More7 Myths About Decluttering Exposed…For Good!
There is a lot of misinformation when it comes to clutter, so let’s get started in exposing the top 7 myths about decluttering: Myth 1: My Clutter is Too Much to Deal With A cluttered house can be overwhelming. You wake up and the first thing you see is an overstuffed closet. You make your…
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