The Joy Of Reading And Donating Books

How Books Can Help
Some books can help us to heal from trauma. They speak to us in unique ways, and sharing the adventures found within the pages is a great way to unite people.
Books can make us laugh out loud, cry with empathy, or feel a surge of joy. They help us to learn new things and help people to connect with their children through the act of reading together.
Children love to sit close and have a book read to them. That closeness is more precious than books themselves. This is particularly true between adults and children.
Reading offers opportunities to imagine worlds, unlike television and movies where the worlds are created for you. When you donate books, you are sharing knowledge, stories, and adventures, as well as encouraging thought and imagination.
Donating books can lead to people developing their communication skills by increasing their vocabularies and developing grammar and verbal skills.
Reading books is also an effective way to improve focus and concentration, which might be particularly useful for anyone that has suffered traumatic experiences. In today’s world, information can be exchanged very quickly via the television and over the Internet, but much of that writing can be shallow, forcing the viewer to click here and there to fill in the gaps.
Books, on the other hand, often offer more comprehensive examinations of subjects. They are great at inviting people to take some time to think more deeply about things.
Another great benefit of reading is that it has been proven to reduce stress by slowing down our heart rate and easing tension in our muscles.
Losing yourself in a book may well be the ultimate in relaxation. It can also be great fun and actively engages us as it invites us into the author’s world. Since they offer countless opportunities to leave our worries behind, think how much a veteran might benefit from books that you can donate.
Donating Your Books
If you’re thinking about getting rid of some used books, Pickup Please will come and take them off your hands, free of charge. Click the button below to schedule a donation pickup.
Know that your books, clothing, toys, and household donations will help support the Vietnam Veterans of America and their families.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Vietnam Veterans of America pledges, “Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another”, and so VVA supports the physical, mental, and emotional well being of all veterans.
Please help us to help those who serve our country.
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