Is Your Life in Alignment?

We all know what it is like when our cars are not in alignment. We can feel every bump in the road, we find ourselves having to pull on the steering wheel to stay within the lines and we watch gas mileage dwindle. Car alignment has to do with keeping the wheels of our car headed in the right direction and ensuring the basic framework is sound. Although we can drive a car for a while out of alignment, eventually we all know that we will need to book an appointment with the mechanic to get straightened out.
Being “out of alignment” happens to all of our cars — but did you know it can happen to our lives as well? The feeling that our life path is bumpy, that we have to expend extra effort just to get through the day then running out of energy at the end of it. If these symptoms sound familiar to you, your life may need an adjustment! Not to worry, just like with your car, coaxing your life back into alignment is easier than you think. Ahead we’ll map out how you can get your life in alignment by helping others.
A life in alignment feels great, like driving on an open road with the wind in your hair. Days run smoothly, and life seems to require less effort to get from day to night, and we have the energy we need to really enjoy what we have. Take a moment and remember back to when your life most felt like it ran like a well-oiled machine. Was it awesome? Now take a look at what clutters up your life causing that stressful and taxing sense of “this doesn’t feel right anymore.” Is some of that stress caused by the clutter that’s crept into your home?
Clutter develops slowly but surely over time. Just like a car that gradually moves out of alignment, so too can our homes get out of whack. Once a place of organization and peace, our places can over time become a rocky road of overstuffed closets, angst-causing kitchens, and stressful bedrooms!
Our energy is spent plowing through piles of unused clothes, shoes, and just plain stuff. Clutter becomes the mess that can lead to tension and aggravation. Life in alignment can easily be achieved by taking a few moments to clear out cluttered areas in our home and organize and let go of the stuff we no longer need.
As with our cars, getting into life alignment starts with making an appointment with a professional who can help you. The drivers of Pickup Please are just the folks you need – they’ll come to your door on a day of your choosing, and haul away the clutter that you no longer want. Take the first stop now by scheduling your donation pickup today.
Now that you have your appointment scheduled, let’s get going on quickly decluttering your storage spaces. Choose the storage area that is giving you the most grief and use the Three Box Method for easy, stress-free decluttering. “The what method?” you might be asking! The three box method, in which you grab three boxes (or large garbage bags will do, too) and label one “Keep”, one “Toss”, and one “Donate to the VVA”. Here’s how to go about filling up each one:
Keep: Place items you intend to keep in your Keep box. Do not leave them in your storage space. Having Keep items boxed will help in the organization phase of de-cluttering. Once your storage space is cleared of all items, return to your Keep box and make a second pass to determine if you truly want to keep the items.
Remember your goal is to create spaces in your home that are in alignment with your goals of living an easier, stress-free life. Once you have completed your second pass through, organize and place your Keep items back into your empty spaces.
Toss: You may come across items that simply need to be tossed, either into your recycle bin or your garage can. These are items that no longer serve a purpose for you now nor do you believe they’ll be of use to anyone else in the future. A worn out pair of sneakers and a stained blouse are great examples of these. You will be able to easily dispose of Toss items that are now boxed or bagged.
Donate: Items in your Donate boxes or bags are those items that you no longer need or want but you believe someone else in your community could use. The Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) serve individuals and families with essential services and support. Pickup Please collects your donations on behalf to the VVA, whose mission helps support our veterans in need. Be sure to include “VVA” on each of your Donate boxes or bags and place them on your driveway or door step on the day you’ve scheduled for your free donation pickup.
A “Life in Alignment” is free of stress, tension and aggravation and full of energy and joy. Keep your home life in alignment by donating the clutter that’s been causing you stress, and not only will you be aligning your own life, you will be improving the lives of so many others in your community.
A wheel alignment for your car can cost you as much as $160, but bringing your home life back into alignment doesn’t cost you a penny. Plus, instead of spending your valuable time waiting at the tire center, you’ll have to spend only a few minutes online to schedule your appointment and then just take a few moments setting your donation boxes or bags outside on the day of your pickup. Once you do, you’ll feel even better than you did that time you cruised the open road with the wind blowing through your hair!
America’s Best Donation Pickup Program