How to Live the Rich Life

Typically, when we think of being rich we think of what we have in our possession. Our things, where we live, the car we drive, or the clothes we wear can be indicators of the richness of our lives. Yet the quest for ordinary riches is a stressful one, thanks to the constant striving for more and better stuff. Working harder and longer hours in order to gain things can take its toll on our health and relationships, and ultimately it can leave us just feeling less fulfilled and emptier. How can the pursuit of “things” leave us feeling hollow?
This question has been answered by many social scientists, as well as proponents of the minimalist lifestyle. One famous minimalist, Joshua Millburn, puts it this way: the path to true fulfillment is attained when we “value people, and use things,” and not the other way around. This premise is supported by social researchers who confirm it is not the temporary things we buy, but the experiences that we have with friends and family that fill up our hearts and souls. Temporary things are those items that we buy on impulse, to satisfy a yearning, or to simply fulfill a want. The rush of attaining things is very real and at the same time very short lived. The cycle of wanting, to getting, to wanting again has our homes and storage spaces stuffed with clutter and feeling less rich than when we started. The more time and energy spent working for the attainment of ordinary riches, the less time and energy we have available for what brings the true, lasting richness in life.
In quieter moments, when we reflect upon the times we felt blessed beyond riches, it was often during quality time with family and friends. Feeling joyous, blissful, and contented comes from feeling thankful for people and the experiences we share together; we feel valuable to the world around us because of what we do and share with others.
“Ordinary riches can be stolen; real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.” ~Oscar Wilde
The real richness in life springs from permanent feelings and beliefs we hold inside, instead of temporary things that surround us. Consider some of the infinitely precious things you may have inside your heart that can provide the richness you seek:
- Acceptance: Striving for things can be the opposite of acceptance. We all desire to move forward, do better, and accomplish goals. This striving force can block out the acceptance of what we already have, where we already are and what we have accomplished. Getting lost in a constant striving mode can lead to stress and feeling empty. Carve out time to accept the greatness of who you are, where you are at, and the people you have around you. You are uniquely valuable to your family, friends, and community. Acceptance brings peace of mind and fills the soul with contentment. Feeling rich comes from feeling content.
- Kindness: Simple acts of kindness are free and bountiful. Special moments throughout the day offer an opportunity to be kind and to accept kindness from others. Little gems of kindness are like glittering diamonds, brightening the heart and making us glow. A smile given to a stranger, a sweet and heartfelt “good morning,” the holding of a door, or giving of a gift are those precious forms of humanity that make us all feel rich.
- Compassion: Giving from our heart to our family, friends, or someone in need in times of challenge and change is true compassion. Seeing beyond our own needs to the needs of others brings a richness to our purpose in life. Feeling truly rich in our own lives happens when we step out of ourselves and we find a way to give to others.
- Thankfulness: A truly rich heart and soul feels thankful for what it has around. We see this sense of rich thankfulness when we see survivors that have lost all personal belongings say with hope that they are thankful that they still have their family, friends, or their beloved pet. It is true that those that seemingly have “lost everything” teach us what is truly important in life and how to be thankful each day.
- Generosity: There is no one who is richer than the one that gives. Giving to others is not based on how much has been accumulated in a bank account. On the contrary, generosity is a state of being, inherent in the human heart. As we give, we receive the greatest gift in return, the gift of peace, contentment, and wholeheartedness.
Holding on to things can give an allusion of being rich, but not the feeling of internal richness we seek. Practicing the richness of life is made simple by opening up to opportunities for more acceptance, kindness, compassion, thankfulness, and generosity. You can start feeling the real richness of life now by decluttering your stockpiles of stuff and donating to others in need. Donating items that are in good condition but that you no longer need is a perfect way to feel the richness of life, especially when your donations go to a worthy cause, such as the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). The VVA puts your donations to work supporting our veterans and their families. Donating items that you no longer use will give you a warm heart and fulfilled soul.
Here is the free and easy way to donate to the VVA, so start today:
- Declutter your closets, storage areas, and garages by collecting your no-longer wanted items such as:
- Adult’s and children’s clothing, shoes, and accessories
- Books, games, videos, and toys
- Linens, pillows, and towels
- Kitchen gadgets
- Knickknacks, décor, and wall art
- Sports equipment
- Small tools
- Other items small enough for one person to carry
- Schedule your free, easy, and professional donation pickup to the VVA with Pickup Please by CLICKING HERE.
- On the day that you scheduled for your pickup, place your labeled boxes and bags on your doorstep, driveway, or other easily accessible location. Be sure to label them with the letters “VVA” so our drivers know what items to take.
It’s just that easy to donate and feel the riches life has to offer! As we thank the veterans for their invaluable service to our country, the VVA thanks you in return for yours. Your generous donations will be put to good use supporting our veterans, and you’ll be left feeling the true richness of life!
America’s Best Donation Pickup Program