Cooped up? Why Not Cleanup?
Now is the perfect time to crank up your clean up and declutter plans for three main areas of your home. We have some useful tips on how to take stock of your kitchen, children’s bedrooms, and your living room, and determine what stays and what you can happily donate to others. Donating to support…
Read More30-Day Declutter Challenge!
Got too much clutter? Our 30 Day Declutter Challenge will help you make your home clutter-free, in just a few minutes each day. Simply follow our easy, day-by-day guide below and soon every room in your house — and even your garage — will look better than ever before. Plus, you’ll have plenty of opportunity…
Read MoreHow To Throw A Dust-Catchers Party!
Hey ladies, this one is for you and your inner bargain-shopper. I know what it’s like to need a fun day out shopping and relaxing with your girlfriends but balancing the fact that you also need to save your potential “fun-funds” for keeping your family’s day-to-day priorities afloat. So how do you get the best…
Read MoreWork With Intention
Time to Declutter, Organize, and Donate Whether tucked in a corner of a spare bedroom or smack in the center of a bustling office, chances are your workspace is impacting your productivity, and most likely not for the better. Office supplies, electronics, knickknacks, and piles of paper clutter workspaces and limit intention. Working with intention…
Read More101 Items That You Can Declutter Today!
DVDs that you haven’t watched in months Cookbooks from the back of your pantry Shoes and socks you haven’t worn in years Unworn sweaters from deep in your dresser Tupperware T-Shirts/Button-ups Baby clothes that don’t fit the littles Outgrown kids clothes Outdated plates Cups/Mugs that have seen their last coffee Baking Books Office supplies that…
Read MoreWhen Decluttering, 1 + 1 = 3… And That Means Synergy!
Like we said, to make 1 + 1 = 3, you just need to add a little synergy. Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. You can look at synergy as a cooperative interaction,…
Read MoreThe 7 Things You Need to Make Decluttering Easy
It doesn’t matter if you’re decluttering a junk drawer or your entire house, the 7 items we’re going to show you below will make your decluttering a snap…and even fun! The device you are using right now. Are you reading this blog while on your phone? Or maybe you’re surfing on a tablet, or even…
Read MoreIt’s a Holly, Jolly Givemas!
Now is the perfect time to declutter and donate in order to make room for your new decorations, the gifts you will be giving, and especially the gifts that are sure to come your way! Here are some great “Givemas” tips on how to make this season stress-free and beautiful! Start by putting the “Give”…
Read MoreHow to Declutter Your Kitchen in No Time
Your kitchen needs your help! It’s the time of year when your kitchen works overtime, not just by helping you prepare holiday snacks and meals, but by serving as the location of intimate chats with visiting family and friends. That’s why the time is ripe for a kitchen decluttering! Start by grabbing some unwanted boxes…
Read MoreTake our 19-Minute Closet Declutter Challenge!
You’re less than 20 minutes away from finally having a decluttered closet. Just follow these step-by-step instructions and that overstuffed closet that’s been driving you bonkers for months will be gone for good! Before you start the clock, you’ll need a few supplies: A countdown timer (your smartphone’s timer will be perfect, or a kitchen…
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